18 articles
MX ConversationsFind out more about what the conversation is and how / when to use it
Linked TransactionsReply to a transaction you have sent / received, or start a new transaction with a link, allowing you to send related or updated data
Can I add new people to an upload?Controlling the recipients after data has been sent
Does MX have version control?Can multiple versions of data be shared
Can I search for files that I've sent or received?How do I look for what I have sent or who I have sent files to?
What is an MX Distribution?Share data with a changing list of people, with version control
How do I remove access to a transaction I've sent?Stop someone viewing data that you've already sent
Can I create a summary of the transaction information?Learn about CSV and PDF export / report for a specific transaction
How do I search for users?Find / search for suppliers or colleagues to send data to
Forwarding dataForgotten to add someone or need to share with extra people?
Can recipients see each other?Find out more about transaction visibility
Which compressed file format should I use?How does MX handle zip, 7zip or RAR?
Can I hold data for approval in MX?Understand how data can be uploaded but not sent until data has been approved
Can I have custom fields on the Send page?Capturing information as part of the upload process
Do I receive a copy of the email sent to the recipients?Find out what emails you receive in relation to transactions
Why do I have failed uploadsFind out more about why data will be stuck at preparing or why you receive an 'unrecoverable error' email
Send button not workingWhat to look for if the send button does not work
Error sending filesUnderstand why the file / folder names affect the upload process