How do I search for users?

Find / search for suppliers or colleagues to send data to

Updated over a week ago

The search tool searches by

  1. Name

  2. Email address

  3. Company name or

  4. Personal Group name.

If you do not find a record, then the user has not been invited to MX by one of your administrators.

By default the Recipients field will show you the names of people that you have recently sent data to. As soon as you start typing, the search tool will filter on the criteria above.

In the image below, two personal groups have been displayed at the top of the list, so that you can either send to all the users in those groups, or, pick the individual people by scrolling down the list of results.

You can keep selecting from the current search text, or, clear the text to start searching for a new user / company / group.

The process to request new MX users is different for every customer, so please check your internal IT processes in the first instance and if you are in doubt, please speak to one of your MX admin users.

In some cases, the primary MX contact information has been communicated to you via Intercom.

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