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Sending data
Do I receive a copy of the email sent to the recipients?
Do I receive a copy of the email sent to the recipients?

Find out what emails you receive in relation to transactions

Updated over a week ago

As the sender of data, you will not receive the exact same email that is sent to your recipients, but you will receive a confirmation email to say that the data has been sent.

If having a copy of the email sent to your recipients is important to you, add yourself as a recipient of the transaction, then you will receive all emails.

If you go to the Activity Page, you can always search for what data you sent, when you sent it and whom you sent it to. You can export any transaction details as CSV or PDF if required, but the audit trail is permanent in MX.

Otherwise, you receive emails when;

  1. The upload has finished and emails sent to your contacts (useful for very large uploads)

  2. Data has been downloaded

  3. A week before the data expires (as do any recipients who have not yet downloaded data).

  4. A summary of downloads when the data expires

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