Why can I not download data?

Find out why you do not see a download option or the download button is not working.

Updated over a week ago

If you cannot see the transaction, then it has most likely been revoked (access has been removed). Please speak to the person who sent the data.

There are a number of reasons that you may be able to see the transaction, but not be able to download data.

  1. Data has expired. Data automatically expires after a number of days or downloads. Once the data has expired, you must speak to the person who sent you data to have it re-sent.

  2. You're using an unsupported web browser. You need a modern HTML5 browser to work with MX.

  3. You need to clear your browser cache. See the instructions here.

  4. Your IT group operate a whitelist which is preventing access to our MX download servers. See here

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