Getting started.

Signing in for the first time, Setting up MFA, Sending data and downloading data.

Updated over a week ago


When someone invites you to join MX, you will receive an email from

Set password

Click the "SET PASSWORD" button which will take you to MX to create your password.

The password must contain at least one upper and lower case character, at least one number, at least one special character, must be between 10 and 255 characters long and can't contain any three identical consecutive characters.


To understand more about how to setup MFA in MX, click here.

To read the FAQ about MFA, click here.

Once a password is created, MXs Terms and Conditions will appear.

Once you have read the Terms and Conditions, click to accept and then click "Proceed".

Now click on the company logo / name which will take you to the landing page for the MX customer you are going to work with. Whether you need to click in the top or bottom depends on whether you are an internal user or external user to the company using MX.

On first setup, you must enter your first and last name, but attaching a profile picture and entering your telephone number are both optional - just tick the 'Do not ask again' to not be reminded about adding a profile picture.

Once you reach the Landing page, you will be able to Send data to your team, Download data from your team and Distribute data to your team. You will also be able to see the latest activity / transactions and the data you have sent and received.

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