Creating a Distribution draft

Perform the initial setup to then pass ownership to a colleague ('Supervisor')

Updated over a week ago

Distributions allow the long-term sharing of data and the ability to change the recipients of the data over time. Version control provides an easy way to only share the latest version of that data.

Administrators can do all of the setup work for a Distribution, but it is also possible to give the Distribution a name and allocate a Supervisor, allowing you to pass control as early as possible in the process.

For the full instructions on how to to create a Distribution, please contact

Go to the Distribute Tab

Click + New distribution in the top right corner

Give the Distribution a name and click CREATE


Drag at least one name to the Supervisor section

Click Finish editing

Click Save as draft

Now the Supervisor can log-in to MX and finish adding recipients and upload the necessary files that represent version 1 of that Distribution

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